European Commission: A Green Deal Industrial Plan for the Net-Zero Age
February 19, 2023

European Commission: A Green Deal Industrial Plan for the Net-Zero Age

“The EU is committed and convinced that it can speed up net-zero industrial transformation at home. On top of needs and opportunities such as the roll-out of renewables, the transformation of energy and transport infrastructures such as grids, the massives witch to fossil-free hydrogen as a storage medium, fuel and feedstock, the EU can also be a leading player in the net-zero industries of the future. We can also create new forms of clean tech cooperation with our partners abroad.[…] The Green Deal Industrial Plan aims to simplify, accelerate and align incentives to preserve the competitiveness and attractiveness of the EU as an investment location for the net-zero industry. Together, the EU and its Member States can send a strong signal to business, while also accelerating the twin transitions.[...]”

Read the full communication report