PETcore Europe Annual Conference 2023 - February 1st and 2nd
January 4, 2023

PETcore Europe Annual Conference 2023 - February 1st and 2nd

PETcore’s annual conference 2023 will be dedicated to recycling, circularity and the PET industry’s contribution to the EU’s carbon neutrality goals. It will gather the PET industry experts, policymakers such as Mattia PELLEGRINI (Head of Unit DG ENV, EC) and Alexandre Paquot (Director for Innovation for a Low Carbon, Resilient Economy at DG CLIMA, EC) and wider stakeholders in exploring the main scientific, business and regulatory issues and opportunities facing the entire PET value chain.

The first day will focus on latest technical developments in the industry from Petcore Europe Working Groups. These developments have led to a current circularity rate well beyond 90% for mineral water and carbonated drink bottles in Europe – a result also achieved thanks to a long-time effort by the industry to collaborate to “Design for Recycling” guidelines which first were elaborated by PETCORE in 1993.

Then, the second day will be dedicated to high-level interventions from the institutions and the business community. Several keynote speakers will touch upon a wide range of issues, spanning from the EU’s net zero carbon strategy to the ongoing work on the European Green Deal and the upcoming regulatory developments on packaging and recycling. The role of the European Commission in encouraging circularity practices, such as the crucial Deposit-Refund Systems (DRS) that, by 2025, more than 20 EU countries will adopt to ensure high recycling rates for PET beverage bottles, will be a key discussion topic.

Register today to meet up with experts and PET industry leaders at the Annual Conference 2023: “PET value chain in a fast-paced environment for CIRCULARITY”

More information here.